Short self-care routine - uNeoM

How would you best define self-care? 
Self-care includes everything related to staying physically healthy - including hygiene, nutrition etc. It's all the steps an individual can take to manage stressors in his or her life. 
Taking care of yourself. 

Here's a short routine, hopefully it will work for you too. 

1. Focus on relaxation.
Playing calm music helps you off load and relax. 

2. Be social 
Go out and meet new people. Go out that happy hour at the bar. Be around different people. 

3. Connect with nature
Take a walk around your neighborhood block. Take a walk in the yard. Go to the park. Go hiking. Get some fresh air. Go to the beach.

4. Take breaks
Take some time off social media. Reconnect with yourself and spend some alone time. 

5. Record your gratitude 
Get a journal or a diary. Write down all you're grateful for. 

6. Treat yourself 
Make that Spa booking. Take a short left to a different province. 

7. Pray
Connect with your higher power.  

Chop life before life chops you. Enjoy! 



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